This bouquet is a vibrant burst of sunshine, featuring a stunning arrangement of sunflowers enveloped in rustic brown paper and adorned with a cheerful yellow ribbon. Each sunflower, with its golden petals and heart-shaped center, radiates warmth and cheer, symbolizing happiness, loyalty, and enduring love.
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Sun-Kissed Sunflower Bouquet
Original price was: Rp250.000.Rp145.000Current price is: Rp145.000.
+ Free ShippingName: Sun-Kissed Sunflower Bouquet
This bouquet is a vibrant burst of sunshine, featuring a stunning arrangement of sunflowers enveloped in rustic brown paper and adorned with a cheerful yellow ribbon. Each sunflower, with its golden petals and heart-shaped center, radiates warmth and cheer, symbolizing happiness, loyalty, and enduring love.
- Flowers: Sunflowers
- Colors: Yellow and brown
- Wrapping: Rustic brown paper
- Decoration: Yellow ribbon
- Diameter: 30 cm
- Height: 40 cm
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